Accreditation Council for Agencies Serving the Blind and Visually Impaired
The National Accreditation Council for Agencies Serving the Blind and Visually Impaired, incorporated in 1966 as a not-for-profit, 501[c](3) agency. NAC is the only independent organization in the United States that exclusively accredits clinics, schools and agencies serving people who are blind or visually impaired. Volunteers accomplish the majority of NAC’s work. Volunteers serve as board members, committee members, and on-site compliance reviewers, and are professionals in vision rehabilitation, visually impaired consumers and members of the general public.
Organizations invite NAC to provide accreditation based on national standards and a peer-review process. Some states specifically require agencies to be accredited and some do not. Some funding sources request information on program audits which is essentially what the accreditation process provides. NAC gives guidance and oversight based on established standards that promote effective, sound, and publicly accountable rehabilitation, educational and vocational services. The specialized areas covered are communications (including braille), orientation and mobility (travel), activities of daily living, workplace and classroom modifications, access to new technology, requirements for persons with other disabilities who also may be blind or visually impaired and other service programs unique to a given agency. In addition, the standards include general operational guidelines in administration, financial management, facilities and safety practices and ‘other’ unique programs specific to respective organizations.
Perhaps the best way to explain our mission if you are sighted, is to ask that you close your eyes and imagine walking to the front door, traveling to work, being productive on a job, ordering lunch and being able to perform the normal activities of daily living such as getting dressed, getting an education and enjoying life. In order to be able to engage in these activities independently, individuals with vision loss need instruction from well trained professionals knowledgeable in the area of visual impairment. NAC is an agency whose central focus is on the ‘best practices’ in the field of blindness and low vision rehabilitation and education.
NAC operates very efficiently with nearly a hundred volunteers serving as board members, committee members and on-site reviewers, all of whom are professionals in the field. There are two paid staff; an executive director and an Executive Assistant.
Keywords: Blind and Vision Loss
Accreditation of Services